Tuesday, June 29, 2004

plll...blaa, pshs, !!!!!!!


the African stomach
oh the joy of living in a country with
odd foods,
horrible smells,
outrageous sights,
starving farm animals,
wicked cats,
and heat!

all of the above directly effect each individual's life here in Senegal!! and all of us truly enjoy chatting about our 'body' each day!

some disgusting things: (gag!) (from the team, no names)
puking in the toliet that already has poo in it
having to poo on top of poo already in the pot and it splashing
teamwork to flush human waste
'man, this looks like sheep droppings'
making a line for using the pot, based on who has to go the worst
jumping off the top bunk in order to make it to the pot quickly
yellow runny or foamy
chunky or soft

-let your imagination run wild, and thats the African stomach!

(by the way, it would not be so bad if our landlady would not turn the water off when she goes to work from 10-10 each day!)

i love yall and thank you for loving me! a couple of others helped with this post, i was just brave!


well after venturing throughout the city of dakar for many days and many odd hours (the airport office does not open until 11pm) to try to get lisa's lost ticket...we have it! i could shoot the girl for losing it. having to go downtown here is no fun...and it is a huge hassle. but now we have it...well i am holding on to it for her!

yesterday we went to see Awa at the fish market where she works again...our second time there! it was great...i wish you could have seen her face when she looked up and saw us standing in front of her stand! we were actually able to snag a few pictures while there this time, but they dont do this place any justice. and i got to pretend to chop up a mongo fish, but she would not let me because they think we arent capable of doing anything! ha!

last night i finally got to really hang out with "the guys" for the first time this summer. i had been trying to visit with them since i arrived, but it never worked out quite right until last night! for those of you who dont know about "the guys", they are 9 guys who are now Christians and on fire for our God and serve him daily, despite severe persecution and poverty. they rock! last night one of them told us his engagement story which is one of the most Godly testimonies i have heard in awhile...you american men are slacking...or i am missing something! (and they served us some coffee, which i have been craving) (and i was excited about how much Wolof i actually understood)

today lisa and i did a "census of the sandbar" (found out all the names and relationships of the people who live on our sandbar, again in Wolof). i found out so many things that i could have lived without knowing, but i guess it makes everything a little clearer. found out how many wives the men actually have, whose child is whose, why one child lives here and another there, etc, etc...a lot of shocking but good information. and all interesting! mom, everyone wants to know why you only had 2 kids??? want some more?...i can surely bring a few home!!! just let me know!

tonight lisa, erin, and i are going with Awa (my senegalese mom) to the next village over to see some more of her kids and family and to see where my senegalese father works...it should be a very interesting night to say the least!

any suggestions of American food we could cook for our friends and family here in Senegal...they are interested ever since our okra fry...so let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 27, 2004

New Baby Boy!!!

Yesterday, Saturday June 26, a new baby boy was born in Yoff. He is the child of one of my favorite people here in Senegal. His older 3 year old brother is absolutely the cutest child on the face of this earth-he is mine-and now I get two!!!! The mother and child are doing very well. They did actually go to the hospital for the mother to give birth. The baby does not have a name yet because they do not name the children here until the 8th day of their lives. So on Saturday I will be going to the ngente: naming ceremony. It will be so much fun and I get to wear my new, fancy Senegalese clothes.

Today, the 27th of June, is Lisa's birthday!!! Happy birthday to her! We are celebrating tonight by ordering pizza and watching a dvd on the computer!! fun birthday party!

Friday, June 25, 2004

this week has been...random but great. Papa is no longer sick and back to normal-and he does not hate me! we tried to start the Bible storying on cassettes the other day, but was unable to due to some disturbing circumstances. our first kid to come to the roof to hear the stories was drug down four flights of stairs and beaten. at the time we didnt know if it was because he was going to listen to our Jesus tapes or what. later we found out that it was because he was suppose to be watching the little kids in his compound. very upsetting because he is one of our favorite kids and we had no clue what was going on. so we hope to start the storying tapes at the beginning of next week. pray for us as we get this going!
the English classes are going great on the roof and it looks like they are going to be able to show the Jesus Film to their students in the coming weeks!
for most of the day, i spend time with families in yoff...learning to cook, babysitting, praying over sick kids, etc and eating lots of Senegalese food..too much!i have another cooking lesson this evening! so when i get back we can have a Senegalese fellowship lunch rather than covered dish! yummy!
on a sort of sad note, i have become the disciplinarian of the rather hard to deal with kids. there are only a few of these such kids but they run all over us, disturb the ESL classes and get us in trouble with the landlord, so someone has to do it...and dont you know: its me! not a fun job.
another sad note, yesterday there was a horrible car accident on the road from Dakar to Saint Louis that killed 30 people. many of the people in our area know of people who were in the accident. there is one funeral-like service (more like a party) going on on our street today. pray that God will be moving in these peoples lives through this sad incident.
tomorrow i hope to get to go to a showing of the Passion of the Christ at the Brazilian Baptist Mission on the other side of town.
other prayer requests: my family in the states, many of the team members are experiencing what we call the African stomach which actually hinders them from ministry (i havent been sick), during the day we dont have running water which isnt a problem except for dealing with stomach problems, trying to get lisa a new ticket since hers was misplaced, the whole team is travelling to Saint Louis for a week of ministry there on July 5, all of the Lebou and our ministry!!! and their salvation!

okra fry

on Wednesday evening lisa, erin, and i had an okra fry at one of our families house. we cooked three kilos of fried okra! it was hilarious and delicious to us-we are all some good 'ol southerners! however you should have seen the Senegalese faces when they saw how we cooked okra and for sure you should have seen their faces when they tried it. about half of the people who ate it liked it, the other half...thought it was disgusting! BUT they all deeply appreciated it. it took over two hours for us to cook all the okra. we gave the first batch to the family who lives in the compound where we cooked, then we made deliveries to other families in the area. I think this was the best ministry we have done yet! we are going to try something similar another day because they were interested in how we cook in America and what we eat. pray for all of our different and random ministries here in Senegal.

for pictures of the okra fry and some others go to http://erinbrassart.wbcmissionaries.net

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Thanks be to God!
Sunday night was very traumatic for Lisa and I. By the grace of God we were able to hold our emotions together and by the grace of God a young boy is still alive today!
On our way upstairs for bed, we were stopped by a friend who was holding a very sick Papa, who is 5 years old. Symptoms: high fever, lethargic, dehydrated, vomitting, nearly unconscious, unable to breath and wheezing heavily. His family was not as nearly as disturbed by his symptoms as we were, which makes the situation worse because they really did not see what the problem was. it was as though they though he was barely sick, though this was not the case. Little Papa almost died on Sunday night. Every breath he took, I thought might be his last. He should have gone to the hospital emergency room...but of course he did not. After doing the best we could to treat his fever and communicating some important things to his mother, we left him to sleep it off as best as he could. We prayed over him in the name of Jesus before leaving and insisted that they go to the doctor in the morning. They finally agreed.
Needless to say, Lisa and I did not sleep peacefully that night. As soon as we awoke we went downstairs to see how Papa was doing. He still had a fever and was wheezing, though not as badly. He was much more alert. I carried the child to to the clinic along with Lisa and his mother. Because of many circumstances, we are not allowed to stay at the clinic with him and his mother, mainly so that we are not inclined to take up all the costs etc. (please dont think i am a bad person) because of this, they left the clinic soon after we did, with no medication or news. upon reading our medical books and talking, we made our hypothesis as to what was wrong with Papa. Then we called one of the F4F girls father in the states who is a doctor for some advice. our diagnosis was correct: severe asthma that developed into pneumonia.
finally we got his fever to go down, got some liquids and food in him, and God touched this little boys life! today Papa is running around and acting as goofy as always.

Pray for this boys family that they will know to what extent his asthma is a problem so that they can better take care of him. Pray that as we deal with him and other sickly children in our area, we will know what to do and what not to do...i do not claim to know it all! thank God for healing Papa and for getting Lisa and I through this ordeal!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

I LOVE YOU, DAD!!!!!!!

the One, True God

daily my God reveals himself to me in new and exciting ways. he is everything!


sing to him, praise him, have faith, rejoice, erase your plans, he reigns, wait

whats going on

this past week was great! i spent so much time with families and friends in yoff! it was great. i had many fascinating conversations and was able to pray over a couple of people: in the name of Jesus! praying may seem like nothing to you, but here they confuse being a Christian with being Catholic and other beliefs. they typically dont think that we pray. and of course we are praying in the name of our Savior, Jesus!
my "family" here is not that devout in their religion, though they do pray occassionaly. they dont have a decent house and dont have much money, though they are content. on the other hand, there is another family that i am really close to that is extremely devout in Islam, yet they are oh so welcoming to us. they have more money and a large house. i cook at their house a couple of times a week. (cooking is an all day ordeal ladies!) there is one young 3 year old boy who i adored last year and spend a lot of time playing with this year... well he goes to an Islamic school daily and goes to the mosque on Fridays to pray. on Friday he said to me: "bassé, i am going to pray, i will see you when i get back!" i cried when i told lisa that he was going to the mosque...at 3 years! of course his older sister said that he only sleeps while he is there, but...he is going and he says he is praying. but i also found out that he hates school, which i have to say makes me happy since he is only learning Arabic and the Quran there. pray for this family and their faith. pray that they might know the truth and that they will know of our Gods salvation. pray that they will doubt why they pray five times a day in the direction of Mecca, why they bow and stand in such a ritualistic way, why they chant words that they dont even know the meaning of...PRAY for the salvation of the Lebou that we minister to daily in Yoff! pray for us as we interact with them!

also, this upcoming week lisa and i have planned something really exciting for the Yoff kids! pray for us as we get it approved: the what ifs and where and how. we see God doing great things thru this, so please pray for us as we try to get the ends tied up (since we planned it yesterday). pray that our supervisors and landlady will go along with us! great things are going to happen! for my God reigns!

Goree Island

Today after church we went to Goree Island, which is right off the coast of Dakar. it is the one place that i regretted not getting to go to last year. it is a small island that was the last place slaves were sent before being shipped out. i stood in the "door of no return" which was...weird and dramatic...the doorway that slaves walked out before stepping onto the ships. other than the fact that slavery is all together bad, the island itself is beautiful! it has gorgeous architecture, flowers, grass, and it was actually pretty clean. in case you dont know, senegal is very much desert-like, so we dont see flowers and grass very often! there were a lot of tourists on the island, which was also different...because in yoff we are the only white people around. on the ferry ride back we actually secretly stayed with this ex-us marine for comfort, because we were haggled so much. in all it was fun and relaxing and very hot!!!
now the taxi ride home is a completely different story...we had a super baax ul driver. needless to say, i am very stubborn and only paid him half the price when he refused to take us to the place i had said. we literally jumped out of his car and into another one!!! we were not in danger, but he was a rather large and angry Senegalese man. (i dont play games, i skipped recess!)

Thursday, June 17, 2004

a great example...

tuesday is a great example of why men are needed to serve our Lord in Senegal! on tuesday, i was standing in the front of our apartment with a F4F girl who had arrived that morning. she was wearing a cross necklace. this man who i had met previously walked by and began greeting us, then noticed her necklace. first of all let me say, this man is much older than i-like at least 55 years old-and is an obvious elder in the neighborhood. i am always shocked that he even greets us. however, upon seeing her necklace he decided to have a nice spiritual chat with me. he ended up saying that Jesus Christ is not Gods son because God cant have a son. he said that he and i both had earthly mothers and fathers, and that Christ did too. this is one of the biggest arguments of Muslims: that God cannot have a son and that Christ is only a prophet, not a Savior! oh i wish this man knew the truth: that my Jesus is a Savior and he is my Savior!!!
the newly arrived girl of course had no idea what this man was saying to me and about her necklace, but i quickly informed her. i could only tell him that i disagreed with what he believed and had to leave it at that. like i have mentioned before, i as a girl am not to talk with men. it breaks my heart that i couldnt sit down and talk with this man...true, that even if it were appropriate, i dont have the language skills...
i am still excited that i was able to have this conversation with that man. he knows i am a follower of Christ now. i can rest easy at night because i know how powerful my God is and he can directly speak to this man! pray for him and others as they are asking questions and saying things to us about our different faiths. pray that God will speak through us!

some verses

"i have set the Lord before me. because he is always at my right hand, i will not be shaken." psalm 16:8

"am i only a God nearby," declares the Lord, "and not a God faraway?" jeremiah 23:23

"let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. for what has straw to do with grain§" declares the Lord. "is not my word like fire" declares the Lord "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" jeremiah 23:28-29

"therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." hebrews 12:28-29

"for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, he is to be feared above all gods. for all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens." psalm 96:4-5

"i, even i, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. i have revealed and saved and proclaimed-i, and not some foreign God among you. you are my witnesses, declares the Lord, that even I am God. yes and from the ancient of days i am he. no one can deliver out of my hand. when i act, who can reverse it?" isaiah 43:11-13

"then peter began to speak:'i now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.'" acts 10:34-35

another day, another dollar

nearly daily i say "another day, another dollar" before leaving our apartment everyday! its funny to us, because of course we dont get a dollar! but its all for our Gods glory!
its getting hotter everyday here...today is a scorcher for sure!
tonight lisa and i are going to experiment by sleeping on the roof...we can lock the roof door and it is so much cooler up there. we are in one of the highest buildings so its not like anyone will see us and we have good ol Abdou watching out for us. Abdou is our night guard who recently became a Christian the past March! pray for him as he grows in his faith.

erin, lisa, and i are trying to fill up a plastic bag full of the bugs in our apartment. so at the end of the summer you'll all know of the bugs we have demolished!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

at a glance

so again i say God is moving here in Senegal! it is so evident to me. sharing Bible stories this past week about Christs miracles was awesome. we received many statements and questions and many requests to hear more stories about Christ. we are also trying to set up a time and place to use the Wolof storying tapes for the children in Yoff.
(we already have the first native Lebou missionary picked out...he is young, but its going to happen!)
the fact that i have been so warmly welcomed back into my family and yoff speaks a lot. they know I am a follower of Christ. they are still asking questions. the missionary we have picked out is in my family as well! so much is going to happen in this family.
on a different note, this is the family that my best friend/sister is in who has the new baby out of wedlock. it is a very touchy subject, but a great ministry opportunity for us. also i found out that for sure my Senegalese father has a second wife. i was pretty sure he did, but did not want to know it as a fact...i was in denial! i am still upset about this! in this culture, the men are allowed to have up to four wives. it is very disappointing to me!
so, continue to pray for this family and all of the Lebou!!!

relaxation and planning

this weekend was absolutely refreshing. here is Senegal it is necessary to take time away. living in Yoff is great, but people are everywhere and always know what we are doing, always knocking on the door. but oh how i love them all!
on friday we went to the beautiful snake island...there are no snakes there. it was awesome and reminded us all of how big our God is and what He is able to do!
saturday was a day of resting in the apartment!
today we went to church, to eat, then napped. i played connect four with some of the kids...they are so funny to watch. then we did some health care planning for the upcoming weeks, because of some unexpected changes. and tonight we had a going back to america dinner for one of the girls who has already been here two months.
if you know me i am a planner! well that doesnt happen here. its all good though. please be in prayer for us as we try to figure out what to do health wise as a specific ministry in yoff. as of yesterday, all our plans were changed. probably for the better, meaning more time with families. i love doing health care here, but it is tricky...to not make sure you are used, to not make the people dependent on you, etc. however, again i tell you that our biggest ministry is hanging out with families. pray for the girls new to Senegal, that they would feel welcomed and find their own friends and family to build relationships with. and pray as we try to get health care started up again on thursday, enshallah!

calling all men

guys, is God calling you to Senegal? can you live here for two months? if i can, you can!
in this culture, we as women do not directly minister to the men. our focus is on the women and children...all for a good reason. for one, women are not highly respected here. all week i have been outraged by the Senegalese men and have had a horrible attitude towards them. the hissing, honking, grabbing, staring,etc. it is ridiculous! we only have one guy on our team this summer. we need more men to come and serve in Senegal! pray about it. do you know anyone willing to come for next summer...be on the look out for us. we are already praying for guy missionaries to come here. they are first and foremost needed to minister to the Senegalese men, but to also be with us ladies for a number of reasons. there are plenty of times this week that i wanted a guy with me or i wanted to try to attack a man all by myself. i didnt but probably could have because i was so angered. but thats that!
in the mean time, pray for us ladies here in Senegal as we do have daily contact with men. all taxi drivers are men, shop keepers, etc. pray for my attitude towards them and that i will keep my cool. pray for ben, our lone boy, as he is ministering to the men and trying to watch out for us all at the same time.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

ha ha ha

so i have not learned wolof in a grammatically correct manner, english either for that matter. erin and ben speak wolof beautifully and correctly. i speak much less than they do, but i butcher the language. for example, rather than saying: i am going to go talk with your mother, i said: i went to talk yo mama. to talk is wax, so i literally said: wax yo mama! in wax the x is pronounced like a k sound! funny to everyone! but the people pretty much always understand what i am trying to say!

yesterday i was taxing the volunteer team back to their housing and was pulled over twice within one mile on the way. the first police man did not even check the taxi mans permit, rather he just talked with me the whole time! mom and granny,you are right to say: just smile and look pretty. it definitely helped me out last night when he kept asking me where i lived and all kind of other things. the conversation ended with: rafet na or youre beautiful! ha ha

in the french grocery store yesterday, lisa asked the french lady in wolof: how much is this! she doesnt speak wolof lisa!

i got my hair braided again. its huge and down my back. funny looking...

my senegalese mother says she does not know how to repay me for going to visit her at the fish market on monday, she is so thankful! and yesterday my translator told me that she saw her in march and that Awa kept asking when i was coming back to see her! oh how i love that family, but oh how much more God loves them!!!!

the health plans

So I am sure many of you are asking why I collected so many medical supplies and I have hardly written anything about the health aspect of our ministry...
At this point in the summer, there are four of us on the health care team here in Dakar. Kari is in Sindou and Jana is traveling. So yesterday we tried to plan out what we would like to do health wise. We plan on fajjing as we call it-fajj is to heal...we added the ing- in the afternoons for a few ours a day. At some point this summer we want to have a teaching day for the mothers of Yoff to learn some basic health skills. During the mornings we will do many different things such as prayerwalking, going to the orphange, visiting with talibaes/street kids, etc. At night I visit with my family and all the neighbors in Yoff, until I am exhausted...it is so much fun!!

So far we have been treating minor cuts and such and burns. We saw so many burn victims last summer and I anticipate that it will be the same this year. They cook over an open flame and with kerosene tanks here. Pray for us as we try to have organized times for fajjing so that we can better meet the peoples needs and ours. Right now they ring our doorbell at all hours of the night for a paper cut!!! Pray that more than anything we will make a difference in their life rather than their health.

volunteer team

This week we have a volunteer team from Canton, GA working with us in Yoff. They are doing a variety of different things during the day, and at night they are teaching English classes on our roof with the F4F ESL girls. Last night was the first night and it went great. The rest of us girls entertained the younger children downstairs...teaching them songs, body parts, and just playing. It was really fun. And we also shared a Bible story with them about Jesus feeding the five thousand. We will be sharing stories such as these with the children all week. I am so excited about the volunteer team teaching ESL though, because so many of my older friends are going to the classes. Please pray for all of us this week as we share with the Lebou of Yoff.

Monday, June 07, 2004

different ministry

much of life in senegal is undescribable, so why dont yall hop on the next flight over and come see what i am talking about. i love it here and we always need more servants!

last night i felt horrible because i got lisa and i into a very sticky situation...i take full blame for it. praise the Lord that it was taken care of and basically erased by this morning, except in our memories...it could have been bad.

today lisa and i took a taxi across town to go see my Senegalese mother at work. we went with my best friend/sister and her 3 month old baby. she works at a fish market, cleaning and selling fish....if you know Lisa, she does not like fish!!! (go to her site for her entry on this and last night...probably more interesting than my description. http://lisadmann.blogspot.com) in the end it was fun, but disgusting! i love fish , but this was...beyond gross! the mother was absolutely thrilled that we made time in our day to go and visit her at work. and i believe we brought her more business than usual because everyone wanted to see why the two white girls were in the fish market and who they were with. she was very proud to say we were with her! ministry here is different! its all for His Glory!!!!

saturday i spent the afternoon at a friends house learning how to cook ceebu jenn-fish and rice-the meal eaten everyday. it takes over five hours to fully prepare, from going to the market, cooking, then eating. it was fun and makes me more appreciative of eating ceebu jenn in homes now...it is hard work. and the women are so under appreciated by the men in this culture. on saturday i also got to go to the talibae house for a little bit to see the guys from last year. i only got to see two of them (but one of those is my fav, shh dont tell that i have a favorite). we made plans to return the week after this one.

so lisa really is getting wolof down pat. but i do have to pick on her once more. as you know you have to bargain for the taxis here in senegal, well she is great at haggling for prices with the drivers. on the way home saturday night, she tried to reduce the price to 800 franc, but instead said 8 franc! erin and i, along with the taxi driver cracked up! definitely had to be there!

He's moving

since i have been back in yoff and hanging out with my family across the sandbar (as we now call it) they have been asking many questions that just blow me away. of course in the states these questions would seem like nothing, but here it is proof that God is working in their lives. I am so excited to see the changes in their curiousities about Christianity. Please pray that they will continue to ask questions and to see how we are different from them and how our God is the one true God!
pray for the ndoye family and all the families of yoff as we continue to get to know them!

i went to the international baptist church yesterday here in dakar. i did not know about this particular church last summer. i really liked it and enjoyed worshipping the Lord with so many people of different nationalities. Although the church has many native Senegalese believers, none are of the Lebou people group (YET)!!!

also pray for the lebou of sindou, a village where some of our team is working and for the lebou all over the coast of senegal, as we have some of the team travelling into various villages

Thursday, June 03, 2004

fun stuff

of course i am constantly made fun of here in dakar, because it is not often that they hear toubabs speaking wolof...but it is fun! despite all the spiritual warfare and poverty that lay over this city, it is fun. some of the fun things:
-taking lisa and becky on the taxi scavenger hunt...to learn to get around dakar in wolof
-denying so many marriage proposals...too bad i dont get that many in the US
-after my shower last night, lisa woke up and asked what i had sprayed to make the room smell so good...it was just that i was clean!
-panicing for no reason when we were pulled over in the taxi
-watching senegalese soap operas in a tiny room with about 15 people...very dramatic
-always butchering the wolof language
-always tripping and falling, or being pulled down by mobs of 2 and 3 year olders...very different kids that day care kids though

so many funny things happen here...definitely lighten the mood at times...and you know i love to laugh!!!
pray that we may always show the joy that we have in our heavenly Father! thanks!

Evangelism to the Lebou

many of us have the sole idea that missionaries and preachers in foreign countries gather up unbelievers and preach the Gospel to them straight up by the hundreds. well that is true in some locations, i just want to briefly tell you of how the Lebou team ministers here in Senegal. ministry everywhere is different and depends on history of christian mission work, the dominant religion, etc, etc. we believe the best and most effective way to reach the Lebou is to build strong relationships with them, letting them see Christ living within us..to see how different and joyful we are. remember they are muslim, but also still practice their tribal religions. God is nonetheless calling many Lebou to Him. you may think slowly, but there is no doubt that daily Lebou are touched by God. It is our prayer that through relationships that we build, we may better share the Lord's salvation with the desperate Lebou people. Today i noticed many more people praying than i have in the past (five prayers a day in Islam). It means that they are seeking something... pray that they will find our one, true God!!!

also we were taught a way to use the Quran as a bridge to sharing Christ with the Lebou Muslims...it is a great way for you to introduce the Bible and Christ as Savior, not as a lesser prophet. Very interesting and eager to learn more about this.

also taking Joshua as our example for praying down satan's walls around yoff. Joshua 6. please pray with us from where you are!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Back in Senegal

“Na ma na la” (I’ve missed you) is what I have heard from most everyone in the Yoff area that I live in. It is wonderful to be back in Yoff. I have felt so welcomed and loved. I just hate that I only remember half the people who know my name. But of course, they always know the toubabs names. The last couple of days have been spent in orientation for the F4F program. I know I am only on day 3 but it seems like I have been here for at least a week already (which is not a bad thing). I truly love it. Most of Yoff and Dakar is the same, with the exception of a few things. On my first day here, I took my bags to the apartment and went to my family’s house to see them. I actually woke a few of them up because it was only 7 am. Fatou had a baby three months ago…talk about being shocked! She is 19 and not married. Once again, I ask you to pray for this family, as I feel they are my ministry here. I spend most of my time with them, so please pray for me as I show them Christ’s love.

Lisa is great here…oh how she makes me laugh. Last night the Islamic chantings went on from 10-1. There is no possible way to describe what this is or how it sounds…call late one night and I will let you hear it over the phone!! Lisa said, “is there no a noise ordinance against that?” of course, she was only joking though.

More tomorrow…keep praying for the Lebou and the F4F team.