Tuesday, June 29, 2004


well after venturing throughout the city of dakar for many days and many odd hours (the airport office does not open until 11pm) to try to get lisa's lost ticket...we have it! i could shoot the girl for losing it. having to go downtown here is no fun...and it is a huge hassle. but now we have it...well i am holding on to it for her!

yesterday we went to see Awa at the fish market where she works again...our second time there! it was great...i wish you could have seen her face when she looked up and saw us standing in front of her stand! we were actually able to snag a few pictures while there this time, but they dont do this place any justice. and i got to pretend to chop up a mongo fish, but she would not let me because they think we arent capable of doing anything! ha!

last night i finally got to really hang out with "the guys" for the first time this summer. i had been trying to visit with them since i arrived, but it never worked out quite right until last night! for those of you who dont know about "the guys", they are 9 guys who are now Christians and on fire for our God and serve him daily, despite severe persecution and poverty. they rock! last night one of them told us his engagement story which is one of the most Godly testimonies i have heard in awhile...you american men are slacking...or i am missing something! (and they served us some coffee, which i have been craving) (and i was excited about how much Wolof i actually understood)

today lisa and i did a "census of the sandbar" (found out all the names and relationships of the people who live on our sandbar, again in Wolof). i found out so many things that i could have lived without knowing, but i guess it makes everything a little clearer. found out how many wives the men actually have, whose child is whose, why one child lives here and another there, etc, etc...a lot of shocking but good information. and all interesting! mom, everyone wants to know why you only had 2 kids??? want some more?...i can surely bring a few home!!! just let me know!

tonight lisa, erin, and i are going with Awa (my senegalese mom) to the next village over to see some more of her kids and family and to see where my senegalese father works...it should be a very interesting night to say the least!

any suggestions of American food we could cook for our friends and family here in Senegal...they are interested ever since our okra fry...so let me know what you think!


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