Sunday, June 20, 2004

whats going on

this past week was great! i spent so much time with families and friends in yoff! it was great. i had many fascinating conversations and was able to pray over a couple of people: in the name of Jesus! praying may seem like nothing to you, but here they confuse being a Christian with being Catholic and other beliefs. they typically dont think that we pray. and of course we are praying in the name of our Savior, Jesus!
my "family" here is not that devout in their religion, though they do pray occassionaly. they dont have a decent house and dont have much money, though they are content. on the other hand, there is another family that i am really close to that is extremely devout in Islam, yet they are oh so welcoming to us. they have more money and a large house. i cook at their house a couple of times a week. (cooking is an all day ordeal ladies!) there is one young 3 year old boy who i adored last year and spend a lot of time playing with this year... well he goes to an Islamic school daily and goes to the mosque on Fridays to pray. on Friday he said to me: "bassé, i am going to pray, i will see you when i get back!" i cried when i told lisa that he was going to the 3 years! of course his older sister said that he only sleeps while he is there, but...he is going and he says he is praying. but i also found out that he hates school, which i have to say makes me happy since he is only learning Arabic and the Quran there. pray for this family and their faith. pray that they might know the truth and that they will know of our Gods salvation. pray that they will doubt why they pray five times a day in the direction of Mecca, why they bow and stand in such a ritualistic way, why they chant words that they dont even know the meaning of...PRAY for the salvation of the Lebou that we minister to daily in Yoff! pray for us as we interact with them!

also, this upcoming week lisa and i have planned something really exciting for the Yoff kids! pray for us as we get it approved: the what ifs and where and how. we see God doing great things thru this, so please pray for us as we try to get the ends tied up (since we planned it yesterday). pray that our supervisors and landlady will go along with us! great things are going to happen! for my God reigns!


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