Wednesday, June 09, 2004

the health plans

So I am sure many of you are asking why I collected so many medical supplies and I have hardly written anything about the health aspect of our ministry...
At this point in the summer, there are four of us on the health care team here in Dakar. Kari is in Sindou and Jana is traveling. So yesterday we tried to plan out what we would like to do health wise. We plan on fajjing as we call it-fajj is to heal...we added the ing- in the afternoons for a few ours a day. At some point this summer we want to have a teaching day for the mothers of Yoff to learn some basic health skills. During the mornings we will do many different things such as prayerwalking, going to the orphange, visiting with talibaes/street kids, etc. At night I visit with my family and all the neighbors in Yoff, until I am is so much fun!!

So far we have been treating minor cuts and such and burns. We saw so many burn victims last summer and I anticipate that it will be the same this year. They cook over an open flame and with kerosene tanks here. Pray for us as we try to have organized times for fajjing so that we can better meet the peoples needs and ours. Right now they ring our doorbell at all hours of the night for a paper cut!!! Pray that more than anything we will make a difference in their life rather than their health.


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