Friday, June 25, 2004

okra fry

on Wednesday evening lisa, erin, and i had an okra fry at one of our families house. we cooked three kilos of fried okra! it was hilarious and delicious to us-we are all some good 'ol southerners! however you should have seen the Senegalese faces when they saw how we cooked okra and for sure you should have seen their faces when they tried it. about half of the people who ate it liked it, the other half...thought it was disgusting! BUT they all deeply appreciated it. it took over two hours for us to cook all the okra. we gave the first batch to the family who lives in the compound where we cooked, then we made deliveries to other families in the area. I think this was the best ministry we have done yet! we are going to try something similar another day because they were interested in how we cook in America and what we eat. pray for all of our different and random ministries here in Senegal.

for pictures of the okra fry and some others go to


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