Monday, April 25, 2005

i want to go to...

the Amazon
Papua New Guinea
rural China
and of course All of Africa!!!
-the entire world
(in no particular order)

Languages I want to learn:

more English
more Wolof
more French


today in church my pastor discussed contentment.

here, in the states, we have so much. so many options and choices. every kind of food, clothing, housing, automobile, gadget, entertainment, etc that one could possibly imagine. YET, we are so discontent. kind of crazy. i have known this since my first time overseas, but remembering it is always overwhelming. just think about it for a minute.

i am not preaching because this fact includes how i act. when overseas i am highly content with whatever i have and don't have. here though it is a different story....very different story. why??? (i don't know)

just go see the life. don't trust the tv. see for yourself. and be content!

Friday, April 22, 2005

out of place

official announcement: i miss senegal!

lately i have missed senegal so much. i keep looking through all of my pictures, listening to wolof music, watching movies, etc. planning to go to NJ to see my senegalese friends in a few weeks...hopefully it will be like a "little senegal." i am really excited about the opportunity to go and hope that it works out.

next friday is my last day at the day care. kind of bitter sweet. finals started today. one down and five to go. along with 3 papers. plus moving, not knowing where i am going to live, where i am going to work...yeah life is a bit crazy. i have been sleeping on the floor all week. what fun!...altogether, i just feel so out of place. its weird. everything. maybe that's why i miss senegal so much this week. who knows? not that i don't feel out of place when i am in senegal...but its different. anyway, just wanted to make that announcement.

...i keep putting off buying the ticket to NJ, i will just do it NOW!...(broke)