Thursday, August 18, 2005


classes began today. finally, after three years, school seems natural and makes sense. i now feel so at ease in my classes. i am v. different from the student i was one-two years ago. better. my French classes don't begin meeting until Monday. a few more days to prepare. i am gonna be slow for a while since i haven't studied it all summer. ...the end is near...oh yes it is!

wait i forgot to put the cornbread in the oven.'ll be ready in a bit.

about my kitchen and me. i love to cook. i only cook about once a week now that i live by myself. many reasons, but one is that my kitchen (if thats what one wants to call it) is 7 feet in length and three feet in width. crazy. its teeny. with a teeny oven that doesn't let you know what setting/degree the burners or oven are on. always an experiment! with two pots on the front eyes, its hard. they're so close together. i laugh at myself everytime i go in there. oh and no pantry. i have converted one of my five closets into one. nice na.

i'm really not complaining. i LOVE my apartment. its just right for me.

okay i can't stop with all the funniness (yes, its a word) about my apartment. ready?

there is about a two inch gap between the bottom of my door and the floor of my apartment. i stuff one of my Senegalese rugs under it while i'm inside.
my toilet has an industrial-like flush handle.
part of my ceiling is falling in above my window.
sometimes my water is brown like in Africa.
when winter gets here it will be interesting, b/c there is an old radiator.
there is only out electrical outlet in the kitchen and it is behind the fridge. oh my.

i have lived here for three months now. i truly love it. the view from the tenth floor is awesome. rent is cheap. only utilities are electricity and internet. mongo (huge) tub. and best of all, i'm living alone.

though i am so thankful that i live on the tenth floor rather than lets say the first or third, the elevators are not so good. first of all they scare me. second, they have no ventilation so i am pretty much drenched in sweat at seven in the morning on the way to work. thankful though, b/c i would probably die walking up ten flights of stairs.

all funny to me.

my cornbread and grandmother-grown beans are calling. later.


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