Saturday, October 08, 2005

it's october!

oh my, it's crazy that it is already october.
i am reminded and shocked that it is october:

the cool weather
i had to buy my cap & gown
loan exit counseling
soup and chili time
i have to put the flip-flops away
bought a new winter coat
midterms and papers
going to the jman conference this month

and i got some pics developped from...

lisa's wedding. ooops, i forgot to get a pic of scott, the groom.
they've been married for two months now.

joey and i at the wedding.

riding a funky bird in louisville. there were all these weird, painted birds along the river. mom wasn't paying attention to what the birds were doing...

and she was swallowed by one mad bird!!!

luckily, i was able to pull her out.

also while in louisville, mom, dad, and i went to a hotair balloon festival.
mom has always loved hotair balloons, so we woke up at the crack of dawn to head to the air field. it really was quite fun. some 90 balloons raced through the sky.

while at the festival, i witnessed someone do one of the stupidest things i've ever seen. this woman/crew member of one of the balloons was trying to help her balloon land from the ground. the guy guiding this balloon was coming in way fast and the STUPID woman held onto the balloon as it bounced back in the air. she didn't let go until she was 20 feet in the air. then boom, she fell. ambulance had to come and everything. all because of her stupidity. now i don't know how to fly/land a hotair balloon, but any idiot could see that this balloon was going to bounce right back up into the air. no sympathy!


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