Wednesday, July 14, 2004

He is moving!

God is moving here in Senegal! and it is so exciting!

the talibae house that we visit a couple of times a week is now housing 17 young men, ALL being believers! so cool to see so many young Christian guys on fire for our God!

we have been able to share the Jesus storying tapes with many different people in Yoff. we are trying to play one tape a day for a group of younger boys in our neighborhood. they have been so interested in hearing them! the tapes are based on the Bible and contradict many things that they have been taught from the Quran.

we have had many opportunities with the family that i have written about previously, who i consider to be very devout in Islam. God is tearing down walls (lisa)! we have given them a copy of the book titled The History of Jesus, which is in French. the girls in that family are quite interested in reading it. i definitely can see how God has opened these doors for us with this family. we began a great conversation with them by discussing Santa Claus and the birth of Christ. yesterday i was able to tell one of the daughters and the mother the difference in being a follower of Christ and a Catholic. here we claim to be "followers of Christ" rather than just saying Christian, because there is no word distinction between Christian and Catholic in Wolof. also they assume that everyone who is not a Muslim is a Christian, which is indeed not the case at all!

please pray for more opportunities like these. pray that the girls in that family will read the book about Jesus and want to discuss it with us. pray that they will be more curious and have many questions. pray for God to give us the answers (its not easy talking about all this in Wolof!)(to shock many of you, we dont use translators) pray for the guys who are listening to the storying tapes everyday. pray that they will know it is the truth. ...pray continually! thanks, for i know God is faithful to your prayers for the Lebou!


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