Monday, September 20, 2004


well i guess i shouldn't be happy that classes and work were cancelled due to the hurricane, but...i have to be honest and say that i did indeed enjoy the time away from school and such. i spent about 14 hours at the nursing home with mom on thursday. i fed and entertained residents for the day. most of them were getting extremely frustrated and could not understand why they had to spend the morning in the all they were a hoot though.

as mom and i were driving around the area on friday...we were pretending to be the governor as he evaulates all the damage...we drove over a "fur ball" as i called it, but mom insisted it was a live kitten, so we turned around to see. sure enough, it was a tiny kitten, about the size of my hand. mom took it to my cousins house to get checked on and then took it home. it's name is...ivan, go figure! by the way, i am not a big cat person....not at all.


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